Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Unusual and Interesting Photos

Part 1

1) I think that these photos are really cool. I think that they show ver good examples of simplicity because your eye is drawn to the buildings due to the plain background. I love how you see the buildings at three different angles. That makes the building look like two identical buildings are emerging from it.

2) Im not sure how he made these photos. I think he may have shook the camera while he was taking the image or he may duplicated the photo and used digital art to blur the two other buildings into the background.

3) I think 2 buildings that would look good like this are the Texas capital building and the Seattle space needle because these buildings are so tall that it would look interesting in kaleidoscope form. 
The Texas capital building is in Austin Texas and I would have easy access to it because I could easily drive there in under an hour. The Seattle space needle is in Seattle, Washington. I don't have as 
easy access because I would have to take a plane to get there. 

Part 2

1) I picked this photo because I thought that it was really cool that the photographer made the football player look as if he was flying.
2) I found this photo Sports Action- SPA.
3) This image won third place. 
4) The way the photographer captured the moment the football player was falling attracted my eye because it looks like the football player is flying in order to make a touchdown.
5) I think that the subject of the photo weighed in a lot ith the judges because they picked this image in 3rd place. I believe they did this because the subject is very clear, interesting, and dynamic. 
6) i think this photographer had to get low to the ground or lay/squat down to get this photo.

Part 3

1) I think that the three most important paintings for photographers are The Mona Lisa by Leonardo De Vinci, The School of Athens by Raphael and The Girl with the Pearl Earring by Johannes Vermeer. 

4) The photographer captured Johannes Vermeer's rule of window light.5) I think this style of painting/photography would influence me the most because i love how the light is captured in the subjects eyes and how the light lights up the peoples faces. 

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