Monday, September 21, 2015

Great Black and White Photographers PART 2

Biography Of Ansel Adams
Ansel Adams was born February 20, 1902 in San Francisco, California.  His family migrated from  New England to California.  When he was about four years old, Ansel Adams was injured inane earth quake. An aftershock threw him into a garen wall which resulted in his nose being crooked for the rest of his life. Ansel adams had a bad attitude and was dismissed from several schools so his parents got him a private tutor when he was 12.  
In 1916 Ansel Adams started to experiment with photography on a vacation to Yosemite National Park. He enjoyed photography so much that he went to clubs and sold his early pictures at Best's Studio in Yosemite Valley. 
Adams' had his first breakthrough when he published Parmelian Prints of the High Sierras. The Parmelian Prints of the High Sierras included his famous picture, Monolith, The Face of Half Dome. 
Between 1929 and 1942, Adams developed a reputation from his photography.  His work focused on  detailed close-ups and mountains and factories. Soon enough he began to publish essays and books on photography with a few of his colleagues. 
Soon enough Adams joined up with Dorothea Lange and Walker Evans to affect political and physical change through their photography.  Adams first cause was protecting the wildlife in Yosemite  He also photographed the camps of the Japanese camps after World War 2 to show the injustice during the wartime. 
In the 1960s people started appreciating Ansel Adams work a lot more. Adams images were shown in large galleries and many museums. 
In 1974, the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York hosted an exhibit for Ansel Adams. 
Adam  had a heart attack on April 22,  1984 at the age of 82. 

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