Thursday, September 17, 2015

Post Shoot Reflection

1) A few challenges I encountered while meeting the prompt were trying to find something that would express happy, trying to take an interesting picture of a square and trying to find a good balance picture. I struggled with trying to express happy because there are many different ways you can express that since its an emotion. I struggled to take an interesting picture of a square because there are some many and i wasn't exactly sure how to make it look appealing. I also struggled to find a good balance picture because at the time I did not fully understand what a balance picture was.
2) The technical aspect of the camera that i found myself worrying about the most was focusing because if the picture wasn't incredibly clear than the picture would look much different than what I saw.
3) If I could do this assignment again i would pay more attention to what i going on in the background. I would also put more of my pictures into rule of thirds now that I know more about the basic rules of photography. I would also try to get more simple pictures because pictures with a calm background result in more dynamic pictures an I would also take pictures from different angles.
4) I would still take the flower picture I did for happy the same because it was a very clear, bright photograph. I would also dot he same for Bowie because the photograph showed a really good example of rule of third and had a very simple backround.
6) If I could shoot this prompt again I would. I would shoot this prompt again because now that i know the basic rules of photography better, I feel that my pictures would look much better if I took them today. Also I have a lot of good ideas on what i can take pictures of for square instead of the metal bars I took a picture of. 
I liked Hannahs photos because I thought they showed really great examples of lines. I thought they were all very clear and dynamic. The only Critism I have for her is on her picture of the garden. I think that the photo would've looked a tad better if she hadn't included the black wall in the photo .

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