Friday, September 25, 2015

Academic Shoot Preview

The Story 
I think this photo shows the best story. This photograph shows the best story because the students gathering around the pole are bowing their heads down. This could mean that they have some sort of game and they are praying to win. When the students bow their heads, it portrays a sense of suspense and the light shining on them from the horizon gives you the feeling of hope.

Action and Emotion 
I think this photo is the best example of action. This photograph shows the best example of action because there are bits of debris rocketing above the two girls head. Also this is a good example of emotion because the girls reaction to the experiment show that they were surprised and thought the experiments' debris was cool.

Filling the Frame 

I think that this image was a great example of filling the frame. I thought that it was a good example of filling the frame because there is a lot going on in the photograph. The photograph is filled with very vibrant colors. 

1) My favorite picture was the picture of the girl squirting the pink substance into the bubbling black bowl. This is my favorite picture because the bubbling substance is really clear and vibrant. I think its really cool how the focus is on the pink substance instead of the girl. 
2) The rules of photography that are in this image are balance and lines. This image shows balance because the girl fits and the bowl fit into the image perfectly. This image also shows lines because the line of the substance running don the side of the bowl draws your eye to the boiling substance, 
1) I think I could take photos like the ones I saw today in a science classroom during an experiment or in any academic room that is doing an activity. 
2) I would like to take pictures in either my english or geography because these classes do a lot of group work. 
3) To get amazing pictures like I saw today I can pay very close attention to the basic rules of photography. 

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