Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Photo Manipulation and Ethics

      1. Ethics in the Age of Digital Manipulation
a. Digital manipulation has become a bit of a problem in the world today. It has became a problem because when the photographers edit their photos they are committing a terminal offense against the people in the photograph. Many people are using digital manipulation to improve the photos but when they do that, the photographers aren't conveying the truth in their photographs.
b. I think that this editing is unacceptable because when the photographers digitally manipulate their photographs, they're no longer conveying the truth. If the photographers said they they had digitally edited their photograph[s] then it would be acceptable.
      2. Most Unethical

I thought that this photograph was unethical. I thought it was unethical because the photograph on the left was made darker. It was made darker to make the man seem more menacing and evil which does not portray the truth.
      3. Least Unethical 
I didn't think that this picture was as unethical because all it did was change the woman's teeth so they look straight.

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