Friday, October 9, 2015

Academic Shoot Reflection and critique

1) The challenges I faced while shooting were finding academic rooms and getting pictures of the students without them making goofy faces.
2) I found myself thinking about the focus the most because i feel that focus and clarity are the most important aspects of a photograph. In order to do this correctly i would slightly press down on the shoot button until the photo was as clear as i wanted it to be.
3) If I could do this assignment over again i would take photos of the students from different angles.
4) I would still pay very close attention to the focus and claret of my images.
5) When i go out o shoot my next prompt i think that simplicity will be the easiest to achieve.
6) I think that lines would be the hardest to capture.
7) I am still not very clear on what balance s. In order to figure it out I can refer back to the composition website we visited a while ago.

I really like how clear and focused all of Ivy's Pictures are. I also love how vibrant and dynamic they are. She could improve on adding more rules of composition to her images.

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