Friday, October 9, 2015

Academic Post Shoot Reflection and Peer Review

1) In this image I tried to follow rule of thirds. Rule of thirds is shown because the main subject is in the upper left corner.
2) The subject in this image is the person drawing.
3) I believe the subject is clear to see because the subject takes up a lot of space in the photo.
4) I wouldn't have done nothing differently in this image.

1) In this image I tried to follow the rule of balance. This image show balance because the four girls show a very balanced geometric shape.
2) The subjects in this image are the four girls working on there assignment.
3) I believe the subjects are very clear in this image because they are the first thing that your eye is drawn to. They also take up a lot of space in this photograph.
4) I would've gotten closer to the subjects or zoomed in so that you could see the girls clearer.

1)This image shows balance because there are many geometric shapes this person is making in this image.
2) the subject in this image is the girl sliding her papers out of her binder. 
3) I believe the subject is very clear because  the subject takes up the majority of the picture and has very vibrant colors which attracts your eye. 
4) The only thing that I would've done differently is shifting so her backpack wouldn't take up as much room.

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