Thursday, October 29, 2015

Funny Captions

 Billy and Jan are protesting against protesters in New York City with the help of their friend Betty White. Billy and Jan were tired of people protesting every little thing that was wrong with the world, so they decided to have a protest of their own.

Herbert and Shirley are  snooping on their neighbors with Shirley's binoculars and they are hiding behind Herbert's newspaper.  They suspected that their neighbors are stealing their newspaper... they forgot that herbert has it.
Pam hates everyone because she is very nit social. She doesn't like to go to the grocery store with her sitter, Janet, who is taking this image. Janet bought the shirt to make fun of Pam but Pam wore it anyway.

Abandoned Theme Parks

1) I would like to go to BONUS Chippewa Lake Park, Medina County, Ohio. I think it would be cool to visit because it had a lot of wildlife growing around the rides. I also think that the rides look very interesting with the vines encircling parts of the wood. 
3) Five usual places that I think would interest photographers are; castle hill, Abandoned mansions, haunted houses, islands, and coral reefs. 
4) Noel Kerns- 

5) Think it could be fun to document an abandoned mansion. I think this would be interesting because you would be able to take pictures without the distraction of pedestrians. There could also be a lot of interesting pants or animal that have inhabited the inside of the abandoned mansion which could be a super cool thing to shoot. 
6) In order to take pots at an abandoned mansion i may encounter plane expenses if there was a mansion out of the state that i want to take pictures of. If I wanted to take pictures of the mansion above i would only have to drive there because it is located in Texas. I would consider that i may trespass if i want to take an image on private property. I would need to bring a camera with me. 

Africa and Abandoned Theme Parks

1) I was amazed at how close the photographers got to the animals in order to take these photograph.  I saw many different kinds of animals that are hospitable in Africa. I was surprised when i found out the photographer spent months in Africa in order to get these images.
3) This is a herd of elephants traveling to a new location somewhere in Africa.  This is my favorite image because I thought it was interesting that there are so many elephants in the herd. I was also very impressed that the photographer got so close to the elephants without scaring them.
4)  Simplicity and Lines are both present in this image. Lines is shown by the elephants walking behind each other in the herd. Simplicity is shown because the background is very plain so your ye is drawn to the elephants. 
5) He uses a 2003 model Nikon Scan 9000
6) He takes these pictures because they are the fastest way to make an impact on the world. 
7) He hoped to make an impact on the world and to showThat animals are sentient creatures equally worthy of life as us.
8) Nick BRant," ... we need to stop destroying the natural world. Man should NOT have Dominion over Nature (the most damaging notion ever set down by mankind)."

Monday, October 19, 2015

Mural + Great Black and White Photographers PART 3

Mural Project

1. What theme, that we could take here at school, could we do a series of these panels to place around the school?
We could do an academic theme.

2. Should we use phones only, or should we open it up to our regular cameras for those people that don't have camera phones? I think w should open it up to all cameras.

3. Where would you want to put the mural on campus?

I want to put the mural in the front of the school so everyone can see it.

Great Black and White Photographers Part 3
1) The clouds first caught my eye while i was looking at my photographers photo because the clouds ear your eye down to the mountains. I chose this image because i thought that Ansel Adams image was at a very interesting angle.

Image result for ansel adams black and white pictures
I see gray clouds nearing the mountain tops and pointy trees. i see the sun emerging from behind the wisps of the clouds. i see the river curving around the horizon.
I smell the overwhelming scent of pinecones and tree sap. I smell the droplets of the river surfacing to the ground. I smell the river water rushing around the river bend.
I hear the wind blowing through the leaves in the trees. I hear the birds chirping with glee. I hear the rushing river water racing towards the mountains.
I taste the metallic river water. I taste the grass and dirt below the treetops. i taste the rusty taste of the mountains.
I feel calm viewing the surreal sight of nature. I feel the breeze brush against my clothing. I feel the sun warming my back as i gaze upon the mountains. 

Image result for ansel adams black and white pictures
I see water racing down the side of the cliff. I see animals in their tee homes. I see fish spazzing in the water.
I smell mist radiating off of the waterfall. I smell bark and freshly grown leaves emerging from the trees. I smell the fish swimming wight the current of the water fall.
I hear the crash of the waterfall colliding wight the ricks below. i hear fish flapping in the current. i hear birds chirping t the animals near them.
I taste the mist radiating of of the rocks below. i taste the fresh air coming from the trees. I taste the bark of the trees.
I feel calm looking at this spectacular view of nature in its natural habitat. I feel the strong breeze coming off of the waterfall. I feel the sun warm my back and dry the mist. 

3) I would like to create a blog to share my ideas as a photographer. 

Friday, October 9, 2015

Academic Shoot Reflection and critique

1) The challenges I faced while shooting were finding academic rooms and getting pictures of the students without them making goofy faces.
2) I found myself thinking about the focus the most because i feel that focus and clarity are the most important aspects of a photograph. In order to do this correctly i would slightly press down on the shoot button until the photo was as clear as i wanted it to be.
3) If I could do this assignment over again i would take photos of the students from different angles.
4) I would still pay very close attention to the focus and claret of my images.
5) When i go out o shoot my next prompt i think that simplicity will be the easiest to achieve.
6) I think that lines would be the hardest to capture.
7) I am still not very clear on what balance s. In order to figure it out I can refer back to the composition website we visited a while ago.

I really like how clear and focused all of Ivy's Pictures are. I also love how vibrant and dynamic they are. She could improve on adding more rules of composition to her images.

Academic Post Shoot Reflection and Peer Review

1) In this image I tried to follow rule of thirds. Rule of thirds is shown because the main subject is in the upper left corner.
2) The subject in this image is the person drawing.
3) I believe the subject is clear to see because the subject takes up a lot of space in the photo.
4) I wouldn't have done nothing differently in this image.

1) In this image I tried to follow the rule of balance. This image show balance because the four girls show a very balanced geometric shape.
2) The subjects in this image are the four girls working on there assignment.
3) I believe the subjects are very clear in this image because they are the first thing that your eye is drawn to. They also take up a lot of space in this photograph.
4) I would've gotten closer to the subjects or zoomed in so that you could see the girls clearer.

1)This image shows balance because there are many geometric shapes this person is making in this image.
2) the subject in this image is the girl sliding her papers out of her binder. 
3) I believe the subject is very clear because  the subject takes up the majority of the picture and has very vibrant colors which attracts your eye. 
4) The only thing that I would've done differently is shifting so her backpack wouldn't take up as much room.

Monday, October 5, 2015

Aperture, Shutter Speed, and ISO


1) The part of the body that we should closely relate aperture to are our eyes.
2) The smaller the aperture number, the higher the Aperture size.
3) Aperture impacts depth of field by making the background image appear clearer or blurrier.

High Shutter Speed

 Low Shutter Speed

1) If i was assigned to shoot bulldogs and hotdogs during the day,  I think i would have to shoot  f) the basketball booth where students are shooting basketballs at a hoop and d) students dancing in the center of the courtyard because you would have to capture their motion. If i was assigned to shoot bulldogs and hotdogs at night, i think i would have to shoot c) the Stars performance inside the gym and e) people streaming in from the front doors.
2) The 3 settings my camera has regarding shutter speed are Manual, Shutter Priority and Aperture priority.  Manual is when you set up Shutter and Aperture up manually. Shutter Priority is when you set the shutter and the aperture is set automatically. Aperture priority is when you manually set the aperture and the camera automatically sets the shutter.

ISO 200

 ISO 3200

1) The advantages of shooting with a high ISO at a sporting event is the image will appear clearer and can capture photos in under a second.
2) You should almost always use low ISO because you will retain the most detail and will have the highest image quality.
3)  You should use a high ISO when there is not enough light for a camera to quickly capture an image.

The aperture settings available on this camera are 2.8 , 4, 5.6, 8, 11, 16, and 22.
The shutter speed settings are  1 second, 1/60 of a second and 1/4000 of a second.
The ISO settings on this camera are 100, 200, 400, 800, 1600, 3200, 6400, 12800 and 25600.