Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Car Raid

1. Who will your do your car raid with (who is your subject)?
My neighbor, Mrs. Justine 
2. When will you do this car raid?

On the 21st of May
3. Write 4-5 questions you can use to start this interview?

  •  How long how have you had your car? I have had my car for about seven years now. 
  •  Why does your car have so many books in it? When i take my kids somewhere, they need something to do so they don't get antsy so i buy them picture books. 
  •  Why are there so many takeout bags in your car? Because, as a working mom, I don't always have time to make dinner so go through drive throughs with my kids. jadon is the messiest one though. He always forgets to take in his trash. 
  •  What model is your car?  I drive a minivan. 
  • Do you enjoy driving your car? Not really, I only drive this old minivan because it works well for carpooling all of my kids and their friends around. 

4. What kind of details should your expect to write down to help advance the story line?

Details- Mrs Justine, her family, how i am associated with her, how long i have known her, a little bit about her personality, 

My old neighbor, Mrs. Justine, was kind enough to let me raid her car. I moved into a house right by hers about ten years ago and have lived by her up until last year. I decided to raid her car because she is always driving around from place to place. 
As a working mom, Ms. Justine needs a car to chauffeur her kids and drive herself.  In order to do that, she needs a car that is reliable and can fit a bunch of people. So she chose to, " a minivan."
She has been driving her minivan, "...for about 7 years now." 
Most people don't like minivans because they are branded as the "mom car". "[She doesn't] really [like driving a minivan], [she] only drive[s] this old minivan because it works well for carpooling all of [her] kids and their friends around.''
She has books and various child toys cluttering her car," When  [she] take[s] [her]  kids somewhere, they need something to do so they don't get antsy, so [she] buy[s] them picture books." 
Along with the books and child toys, Mrs. Justine has takeout bass sprawled out all over her car. Because, as a working mom, [she doesn't] always have time to make dinner so [she goes] through drive throughs with [her] kids. Jadon is the messiest one though. He always forgets to take in his trash." 

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