Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Student of the Month Story

Who - Ella Wright 
What - Student of the Month
Where - Bowie HighSchool
When - April 2016
Why -built an engine for the school
How - using solar panels as an energy source 

Opening sentence: On April 1st, 2016, Ella Wright, a student at James Bowie high School, became Student of the Month. She became student of the month because she built a solar powered engine to generate electricity for the school.
Nutgraf: Ella Wright, The Student of the Month this April, is a phenomenal student that goes to James Bowie High School. She gets great grades in all of her classes and participates in various after school activities. She participates in  GSA club, Engineer club, and Astrology club. She was awarded student of the month for her brilliant idea to build a solar powered engine to generate electricity for the school.

Statements and quotes to use-
1) Statement: Ella wright is proud that she won student of the month but not for the resins you may think. She wasn't trying to become student of the month but she is excited that she is 

1) Direct quote: "that means Im one step closer to becoming an engineer"

 2) Statement: Ella wright didn't put much effort into becoming student of the month. Even though she had extraordinary grades she just wanted to put her engineering skills to good use. 

2) Direct Quote: "I didn't try they to be student of the month, they just gave it to me"

3) Statement: Wright says that she didn't try hard academically to become student of the month. She did succeed in making the school a better place with the invention of her solar power engine. 

3) Direct Quote:"I didn't work hard to achieve student of the month but I did work hard on the engine"

4)Statement: Even though Ella Wright wasn't inspired to achieve student of the month through academic means, carol shelby did inspire her. 

4) Direct Quote:"Carol Shelby inspired me build the solar panel because she is the builder of the engine and shelby mustang"

5)Statement: Students who are trying to acheive Student of the Months should get involved in school activities like Ella Wright.

5)Direct Quote: "Yes I'm in GSA club, engineer club, and astrology club."

6) Ella Wright was very excited to win student of the month mainly because of the gifts. 

6) "[ I was] stoked because they gave me a cool certificate and cake.''

7) When Ella wright was asked about things that helped her achieve student of the month she said something very interesting.

7)" Don't slack in your classes or be on  your phone all the time"

On April 1st, 2016, Ella Wright, a student at James Bowie high School, became Student of the Month. She became student of the month because she built a solar powered engine to generate electricity for the school.
    Ella Wright, The Student of the Month this April, is a phenomenal student that goes to James Bowie High School. She gets great grades in all of her classes and participates in various after school activities. She participates in  GSA club, Engineer club, and Astrology club. She was awarded student of the month for her brilliant idea to build a solar powered engine to generate electricity for the school.
    Ella wright is proud that she won student of the month but not for the reasons you may think. She wasn't trying to become student of the month but she is excited that she is starting to achieve her dream job. Wright agrees that its a good achievement because "That means Im one step closer to becoming an engineer". 
    Ella wright didn't put much effort into becoming student of the month. Even though she had extraordinary grades she just wanted to put her engineering skills to good use. "I didn't try they to be student of the month, they just gave it to me." Wright said. She was awarded student of the month because of her unique interest for engineering. 
    Wright was very proud of her creation for the school because she put a lot of work into making it function properly. "I didn't work hard to achieve student of the month but I did work hard on the engine." She did succeed in making the school a better place with the invention of her solar power engine. Because of her solar panel engine, the school now has free electricity. The staff and students of James bowie High School are very proud to have Ella Wright as on of their own. 
    Even though Ella Wright wasn't inspired to achieve student of the month with her academic skills and involvement in school activities, Carroll Shelby was her inspiration for the remarkable engine.Carroll Shelby was an American automotive designer, racing driver, and entrepreneur."Carroll Shelby inspired me build the solar panel because she is the builder of the engine and shelby mustang." Wright explained.   
    When Ella wright was asked about things that helped her become student of the month she said something very interesting.  "Don't slack in your classes or be on  your phone all the time." Wright replied. Many students at James Bowie High School are on their phones very frequently, so her statement was very surprising. 
    Students who are trying to become the next Student of the Month should get involved in school activities like Ella Wright. ""Yes I'm in GSA club, engineer club, and astrology club."Wright exclaimed. One of the best ways to get accepted as a student of the month is to get very involved in extracurriculars and get stellar grades. 
     "I won't try hard to become student of the month again  just like this time, [ I ] don't want to over achieve."

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