Monday, March 28, 2016

My First Interview

  1.  How did you become student of the month? I made a solar engine the school could use for power
  2.  Are you proud of your accomplishment?  I am proud of my accomplishment because that means Im one step closer to becoming an engineerent
  3.  What is the first step to becoming Student of the Month? Don't slack in your classes or be on  your phone all the time
  4.  Why did you become student of the month? I didn't try they to be student of the month, they just gave it to me
  5.  Do you think that you deserved it? yes because i built a solar engine 
  6.  Did you work hard to achieve student of the month? I didn't work hard to achieve student of the month but I did work hard on the engine
  7.  Who inspired you to become student of the month? Carol Shelby inspired me build the solar panel because she is the builder of the engine and shelby mustang
  8.  Who is your role model? Why? none never had one
  9. What impact do you think this achievement will have on your college application?great impact on my college application because this will acknowledge building of the engine and I will work in ford to create a solar panel mustang  
  10.  Are you involved in any extracurriculars? yes
  11.  What are your extracurriculars? GSA club, engineer club, astrology club
  12.  How many hours do you spend studying a day? 0
  13.  Do you study on weekend? no
  14.  How many hours of free time do you have on the weekend? None because she hangs out with her grandpa the whole time
  15. How many hours do you spend doing homework? 1-2 hours
  16.  Do you get enough sleep? Nope
  17.  Approximately how many hours of sleep do you get? 0-4 hours
  18.   How did you react when you were told that you were student of the month? Stoked because they gave me a cool certificate and cake
  19.  How did your friends congratulate you? They didn't believe me, thought I was lying 
  20. Are you going to try to win student of the month next month? I won't try like this time, don't want to over achieve

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