Monday, January 25, 2016

Yearbook Introduction

25 things that should be in every yearbook
  • Title
  • Pictures of people
  • Pictures of events
  • Teachers
  • Students
  • Year of the book on the cover
  • Name of the school
  • The school mascot
  • Graduating class year
  • Senior Quotes
  • school events
  • place for signatures from friends
  • student clubs
  • quotes from students
  • interesting things that happened that year
  • trends of that year 
  • an index
  • ads
  • pictures of pep rallies 
  • sport pictures
  • pictures of campus
  • action shots
  • students doing interesting things
  • band pictures
  • orchestra pictures
  • Football game pictures
1. What is the title of your book?
Prime 2003
2. What school is it from?
Lamar High School
3. What "thematic elements" do you see in your book? This means what elements are evident from beginning to end of the book
A thematic element that is evident in my yearbook is a certain font that is used only for the title of the page. 
4. How many sections are in your book? This could be tough to figure out, but do your best
six sections 
5. What is your favorite "spread"? A spread is 2 pages about the same topic
My favorite spread was class superlatives. 
6. Is there an Index in your book?
Yes there is an index in your book
7. Are there photos of groups of people, like clubs and organizations?
Yes there are images of clubs and organizations 
8. Is there a table of contents?
Yeah theres a table of contents 
9. How many people go to the school whose book you have?
3203 students
10. What state is your book from?

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Magazine Peer reviews

Step 6

Step 7
1. What is the name of the magazine that you looked at and who made it?
The name of the magazine i looked at was DANCE and this person i dont know named Abby made it ;)
2. List two things you liked about the magazine cover
I liked how clear the image of sarah was because it was very dynamic. i also like how abby put the picture in front of the text. 
3. Suggest something to the creator to improve the cover
One thing that would've improved the cover would be to add more colors. 
4. Why did you pick this cover? Specifically what attracted your eyes.
I picked this cover because it was very visually appealing and it was very simple; there wasnt alot of cluttered text. 
5. Is there a bar code? Is it appropriate in size and located in the correct place?
The bar code is appropriate for this magazine. 
6. If you were walking by the magazines in Barnes and Nobles would you pick this magazine up and look at it? Why or Why not?
I dont think i would because,personally, i only tend to look at magazines with bright colors that catch my eye. 7. Can you tell if it was a portrait or self-portrait?
Yes, i could tell this image is a portrait. 

Step 6

Step 7
1. What is the name of the magazine that you looked at and who made it? The name of the magazine is Women's power
2. List two things you liked about the magazine cover
I liked how the text surrounded the the main subject and the clarity of the image. 
3. Suggest something to the creator to improve the cover
One thing that would've improved the cover would be to add more colors. 
4. Why did you pick this cover? Specifically what attracted your eyes.
The pick words attracted my eyes. 
5. Is there a bar code? Is it appropriate in size and located in the correct place?
yes its perfect. 
6. If you were walking by the magazines in Barnes and Nobles would you pick this magazine up and look at it? Why or Why not?
I would because it seems very inspirational and its cover is very visually appealing 7. Can you tell if it was a portrait or self-portrait?
I can tell that it was a portrait 

Step 6 

Step 7 
1. What is the name of the magazine that you looked at and who made it?
The name of the magazine is WE HATE HOLIDAYS and Ian made it. 
2. List two things you liked about the magazine cover
I loved how clear and dynamic the cover was. I also liked how he made the captions comedic. 
3. Suggest something to the creator to improve the cover
There is nothing the creator could do to improve the cover, i think its exceptional work. 
4. Why did you pick this cover? Specifically what attracted your eyes.
I picked this cover because the title attracted my eyes due to its bright yellow color. 
5. Is there a bar code? Is it appropriate in size and located in the correct place?
The bar code is in the right place but its sideways; that may have been on purpose though. 
6. If you were walking by the magazines in Barnes and Nobles would you pick this magazine up and look at it? Why or Why not?
I would pick t up because its very colorful and dynamic and it seems very interesting!7. Can you tell if it was a portrait or self-portrait?
Yes, i could tell that this was a portrait. 

Prompt Shoot Review



1. Which photo do you like best? Why? My favorite image is the footprint image because the image is very clear and it shows a great example of framing. 
2. Which is your least favorite image? Why? My least favorite image is her The End image because the door cut off the majority of the bus. 
3. Overall, make two positive statements about their pictures. These pictures are all very clear and are very visually appealing. 
4. Overall, what is one area that this person could improve upon in your opinion. I think one area this person could improve on is making sure that the nothing is blocking the main subject.
5. Which prompt do you think they did the best portraying, from your perspective? I think they did the best job portraying Footprints because the image is very clear and simple. 
6. Which prompt do you think they did the least successfully portray, from your perspective? From my perspective, I think they were least successful on Eight because im not sure what they have eight of because there are more than 8 pillars in the image.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

My Holiday

1. Tell me what is the one thing that happened on your holiday that you will remember? It can be a trip, a family visit, a present, something fun.
During my holiday my family and i had an intense poker tournament. 

2. What are your resolutions for the 2016 year?

My resolution this year is to save up enough money for a car.
3. What are you looking forward to in 2016?
Im looking forward to meeting new people and experiencing new things.

The 5 Prompts

1) What was the best song of 2015?

The best song of 2015 was Uptown Funk by Mark Ronson ft Bruno Mars.
Uptown funk was the best song of 2015 because the song is very catchy. It is also the best song because the song is very upbeat. Uptown funk has been fun to listen to throughout 2015 even though it was kind of overplayed on the radio. 

2)  What was the best movie of 2015? 

The best movie of 2015 was Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens. This was the best movie of the year because it was action packed and had a very interesting plot.  It was also the best movie of 2015 because its was the seventh movie in the star wars series. 

3) What was the most important news story of the year?

 I think the most important story of the New Year would be the Paris Bombings. I think that this is the most important news story of the year because the whole world came together to "pray for paris". Isis bombed paris, killing a lot of people but the whole world was impacted. All over the world people showed their sympathy toward paris. 

4) Who was the most important person of 2015? 
I think Caitlyn Jenner was one of the most important people of the new year because Bruces decision to become Caitlyn Jenner has spread conversations about gender identity and issues of equality for the LGBT community. She is the most important person of this year because she has demonstrated a lot of courage to do something that made her happy. 

5) What was the biggest sports OR entertainment story OR sports/entertainment person of 2016? 

 The most important sports story is the story titled Meet Sonya Curry, Steph's mom, who drove Twitter crazy at Warriors game. Steph Curry is an American professional basketball player for the Golden State Warriors of the NBA. Curry’s mom, Sonya, got plenty of people on Twitter talking after she was shown on a live TV broadcast.

Favorite Pictures of 2015

This is my favorite picture of 2015 because its the fireworks are very colorful and dynamic, big ben is very clear and it shows the celebration of the new year.

This is one of my favorite images of 2015 because the lines the Rocketts created are very visually appealing and very interesting to look at.

This is also one of my favorite pictures because the rice terraces create lines that are very visually appealing and the colors reflecting on the rice terraces are very beautiful.