Friday, February 19, 2016

Lone Star Dispatch Issue #4

Front Page
Who? Coach Vickie Benson's student leadership class. 
What? They are planning a parade
Where?Bowie high school 
When?March 10th during FIT
Why?Raise awareness for No Place For Hate 
How?Parade in the courtyard
Who was quoted in the story?Aleka Neptune, Benson, and Patrica Maney, 
What quote was the strongest in your opinion? 
"I really love being able to put together something that hasn't been done before," Benson said. " I really love a challenge, and this project definitely has its challenges." 
Did the lead sentence make you want to keep reading? The lead sentence didn't want to make me want to keep reading.
Was the conclusion a quote or a statement?  Quote

Student Life
Who? Mikaela Lyles
What? Vines/ social media 
Where? Bowie 
When?Throughout the school year 
Why? Comedy 
How? taken on phones 
Who was quoted in the story?Mikaela Lyles, Bryanna Feamster, Sahaj Mann, Samantha Jimenez, Vivki Herbert
What quote was the strongest in your opinion? "Yes, we can connect with people more globally, but it lead to a disconnect from the people around us and it can lead to a lack of interest in reality.
Did the lead sentence make you want to keep reading? Yes 
Was the conclusion a quote or a statement? Statement 
Summary- Mikaela Lyles and many other students at Bowie High School, use Vines and other social media throughout the school year for comedic videos and keeping in touch with friends. 

Who? FFA bowie students 
What?Travis County Youth Show 
Where?Travis county 
When?January 14-16 
Why? win placement ribbons 
How? with the animals they raised 
Who was quoted in the story? Kylee Rhorer, Jamie Muras, Brandon Parker and Kate Buning
What quote was the strongest in your opinion? "....It means so much to me because i was proud of myself and all I accomplished." Buning said. 
Did the lead sentence make you want to keep reading? Yes 
Was the conclusion a quote or a statement?Statement 
Summary- FFA Bowie Students participated in the Travis County Youth Show located in Travis County on January 14-16 to win ribbons for the animals they raised. 

Who?Kianna Ray 
What?  basketball 
Where?Bowie high school 
When?January 6th 
Why?All-American nominee 
Who was quoted in the story? Kianna Ray, Alyssa Kuykendall, Foradory
What quote was the strongest in your opinion?"If i could describe Kianna in one word it would be genuine,"...."No matter how much pressure you put on her, she remains humble and kind. She will do whatever it takes to accomplish her ambitions and goals, all the while staying true to herself." 
Did the lead sentence make you want to keep reading? Yes
Was the conclusion a quote or a statement? Quote
Summary- Kianna Ray, a bowie high school basketball player, was nominated to be an All-American Nominee on January 6th. 

Who? Bowies award winning band 
What?Steel drums
Where? Bowie High
When? n/a
Why? A successful ensemble 
How?Perform at the Percussive Arts Society International 
Who was quoted in the story?Amy Suggs, Crosby LaGrone, Jake Wohleb, 
What quote was the strongest in your opinion? "They're really lucky that they were given such a great opportunity,"..." Being able to preform with professionals isn't something that most band members get the chance to do. Im totally jealous."
Did the lead sentence make you want to keep reading? Yes 
Was the conclusion a quote or a statement?Quote
Summary- Bowies award winning band get the chance to have their steel drums ensemble perform with the Percussive Art Society International. 

Who?Barack Obama
What?Final state of Union Address
Where?United states
Why?affecting how the nations political system is run 
How? low voter turnout 
Who was quoted in the story?Acrticle- 10 Reasons Why College Students Should Vote
What quote was the strongest in your opinion? no quotes 
Did the lead sentence make you want to keep reading?no 
Was the conclusion a quote or a statement?statement 
Summary- In Barack Obama's Final state of Union Address in United states, 2016, he left the country with lower voter turnout which is affecting hoe the nations political system is run. 
1. What is your favorite photo in the entire paper? The pictures of the Tarzan play. 
1A. Why is this your favorite? ITs my favorite because its a really fun, interesting picture and there is a lot going on in the. 
1B. What rules of photo composition are evident?
Simplicity is evident in the image. 
2. What is your least favorite photo in the entire paper? My least favorite photo is "Finishing up" 
2A. Why is this your least favorite?
My least favorite photo is "Finishing up" because the photo was taken at a very odd angle and the image is in black and white. 
3. If you were a photographer on staff, which event/photo assignment would you have liked to do for this issue? You will need to look through the entire paper and see the topics covered and decide which one you think would have been fun.
If i were a photographer on staff I think the Tarzan play would've been the most fun event.
4. Overall, how would you rate the photography in this issue? What were the strong points and weak points.
Overall the photography in this issue was okay. I would rate it at about a 6 because half of the photographs were visually appealing and the other half weren't.  The strong points were the action shots and the weak points are the photographer had the camera at very strange angles in some of the images. There were also a lot of mergers.
Summary- In conclusion Coach Vickie Benson's class is having a parade during fit in the courtyard on March 10th to raise awareness for the No Place for Hate campaign. 

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Front Pages of the World

  1. What is your favorite newspaper front page? Why? My favorite newspaper front page is the Montgomery Advisor because the pictures are very interesting and catch you eye. 
  2. What is your favorite headline from that newspaper? Why are you interested in it? My favorite headline is Storm Savings because the headline's image of a money tornado is very cool. I think that the way the text goes around it is cool. 
  3. How many stories are on the front page of your favorite? There are 3 stories on the newspaper. 
  4. What do you notice that all newspaper front pages have in common? Look at design, size of photos, size of story text, etc. All the newspaper pages have the publisher, the title, and headlines. 
  5. What are things that vary (or are different) on the front pages of different newspapers? Look at design, size of photos, size of headlines, etc. Things that are different on the front pages of various newspapers are the location of the title and the number of headlines ad images.